Before we start…

One of the first headache moments that an R user like me faced when transitioning to Python is related to random number generation: how exactly do I sample from a probabilistic distribution???

I mean, in R, drawing random samples from whatever distributions you like is very straightforward. For many of the common distributions, you don’t need to load packages at all, and the choice of functions for such task is simple too.

For example, if you want 100 i.i.d. samples from \(N(\mu, \sigma^2)\) where, say, \(\mu=3\) is the mean and \(\sigma^2=9\) is the variance, then you would just type

rnorm(100, 3, 3)

As a more complicated example, let’s say we want to draw 20 samples from a Multinomial distribution with \(K=4\) categories of equal probabilities and \(N=6\) trials. (That is, in each experiment, we pick 6 times out of 4 categories, where each category is equally likely to get picked, and we repeat this independently for 20 times.) Then the R code for generating the samples is simply

rmultinom(20, size = 6, prob = rep(1,4)) 

(Note that for the prob argument, R automatically scales it to sum to 1.)

In Python, however, you do need to load a library, either a built-in Python module, or something you have to install yourself.

In this post, I’ll go over 3 different Python libraries that offer functionalities of random variable simulation. Below is a brief summary of these libraries:

Name random numpy.random scipy.stats
Distributions available only basics a lot the most
Functionalities simulation only simulation only PDF and CDF evaluations and more
Installment built-in requires install (pip and conda) requires install (pip and conda)
Efficiency low highest high

Now into the meat and bone

The random library

There are three basic types of “simulations” that the random module offers: integers, sequences, and real-valued distributions.

For integers, for example, using random.randrange(start, stop[, step]) can randomly generate an integer between start and stop with a stepsize step (optional).

For sequences, it can randomly select elements from any sequence (not necessarily numbers) uniformly or with a specified distribution (or weights), and it can also randomly shuffle (permute) a sequence.

Some examples:

from random import choice, choices, shuffle, sample

fruits = ['apple','banana', 'pear', 'peach', 'grape', 'mango']

# choose one element at random
>>> 'mango'

# choose k elements WITH REPLACEMENT with weights
choices(fruits, weights = [1,3,4,5,6,7], k = 4)
>>> ['peach', 'grape', 'peach', 'pear']

# choose k elements WITHOUT REPLACEMENT uniformly
>>> ['grape', 'peach', 'banana']

# shuffle the list (in place, only accepts mutable objects)
>>> ['banana', 'peach', 'grape', 'mango', 'pear', 'apple']

For real-valued distributions, it supports sampling from certain commonly used distributions: Uniform, Gamma, Beta, Exponential, Normal, Pareto, etc.

Some examples:

from random import *

# Uniform(0,1)
>>> 0.23317458326492257

# Uniform(1.5,2.6)
>>> 2.0483236868182306

# Beta(3,5)
>>> 0.24637194926989447

# Gamma(5,5)
# 1st arg = shape, 2nd arg = scale (not rate!)
>>> 15.558501989226073

# Normal(0,5)
# 1st arg = mean, 2nd arg = standard deviation
# note: this is faster than "normalvariate(mu, sigma)"
>>> -5.324221535282665

(References: the random library documentation.)

The numpy.random module

Compared to the built-in random library, numpy.random is more powerful in two ways:

  • It enables array output (for generating random numbers) and input (for sequence selection/permutation); note that functions in random mostly just output a single number.
  • It supports a much larger set of distributions, including (but not limited to) Binomial, \(\chi^2\), Dirichlet, F, Geometric, Negative-Binomial, Poisson, etc., which a statistician (like me) is quite happy about.

That being said, you do need to install it via

pip install numpy

unless you already have the Anaconda bundle (numpy comes with it).

Starting from version 1.17.0, numpy has implemented a faster generator with better statistical properties; usage of the functions is the same as those under the numpy.random module from before, and previous functions are still available.

The following example is borrowed from their documentation page:

# Do this
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng()
vals = rng.standard_normal(10)
more_vals = rng.standard_normal(10)

# instead of this
from numpy import random
vals = random.standard_normal(10)
more_vals = random.standard_normal(10)

All the change is that now you should instantiate an instance of the default_rng class, and then from there everything is just like before.

Below let’s go through a few more examples.

To sample random integers, we can use the integers() function. Let’s say we want to sample a 3-by-5 array of integers between 2 and 8 (both endpoints included), then

from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng()
rng.integers(low=2, high=8, size=(3,5), endpoint=True)

>>> array([[2, 3, 4, 4, 2],
       [5, 3, 7, 2, 2],
       [8, 7, 6, 5, 7]])

To sample from (or permutate) sequences, we can do the following

seq = [1,2,3,4,5]

arr = [[1,2,3,4,5],

# sample without replacement
# note the probability "p" HAS TO sum to 1
rng.choice(seq, p=[0.1,0.2,0.1,0.3,0.3], replace=False)
>>> 4

# permute the sequence
rng.choice(seq, size=5, replace=False)
>>> array([2, 3, 1, 5, 4])

# sample from an array along an axis (say, sample a column)
rng.choice(arr, size=(1,), replace=False, axis=1)

And finally, some examples of real-valued distributions

# sample from Normal(3,5) with mean=3 & sd=5, and organize into a 2-by-5 array
array([[ 13.52923449,   7.3267775 , -11.05061885,   1.9707617 ,  12.66680988],
       [ -4.0297244 ,  12.45834376,   1.23552118,   2.03453951,  2.76899204]])
# sample from a Dirichlet distribution with alpha=(1,2,3,4)
# 6 samples in total, vectors placed in rows
rng.dirichlet(alpha=(2,3,4,5), size=6)
array([[0.19900567, 0.14706951, 0.27954653, 0.37437829],
       [0.26614463, 0.05774624, 0.26426845, 0.41184068],
       [0.15285002, 0.34283186, 0.08426851, 0.42004961],
       [0.4375804 , 0.102708  , 0.36285606, 0.09685553],
       [0.06703317, 0.24337623, 0.34162268, 0.34796792],
       [0.02995042, 0.1747498 , 0.45785254, 0.33744724]])

The scipy.stats module

Same as numpy, you need to install it via pip or get it for free with the Anaconda bundle.

The special thing about the scipy.stats module is that in addition to random variable sampling, it also provides a series of statistical functionalities related to each distribution, such as PDF and CDF evaluation, main statistics calculation (e.g., mean, variance, skew, etc.), moments calculations, and so on.

Similar to numpy, it also includes a wide range of distributions - actually even more than what numpy.random offers. According to the module tutorial, there are 101 continuous distributions and 15 discrete ones.

Typically the way to use this module is by specifying an instance (or an object) of a distribution, and use its methods to sample or evaluate. Let’s say we want to do a bunch of things with a normal distribution, for which the mean is 3 and standard deviation is 5. Then some example code is

from scipy.stats import norm

# the PDF and CDF at 0
norm.pdf(0,loc=3,scale=5), norm.cdf(0,loc=3,scale=5)
>>> (0.06664492057835994, 0.2742531177500736)

# the mean and variance of this distribution
norm.mean(loc=3,scale=5), norm.var(loc=3,scale=5)
>>> (3.0, 25.0)

# sample 25 samples from it and arrange as a 5-by-5 array
norm.rvs(loc=3, scale=5, size=(5,5))
>>> array([[ 5.53997937,  6.06726398, -2.04353831, -1.61693137,  6.59197824],
       [-8.10515522, -2.15203014,  8.04193462,  2.79324216,  2.82317752],
       [ 3.6311475 ,  4.03357453, -0.44520476,  0.25870748,  5.2203014 ],
       [ 3.28086392,  3.07587057,  9.82874642, 10.60195969,  3.63723504],
       [ 5.11691806,  4.68744553,  1.40594161,  7.47255589, -0.63520945]])

A convenient trick when repeatedly using the same distribution is to freeze it so that you don’t need to pass in arguments (like loc and scale for the normal distribution) again and again.

So the code for the task above can be rewritten as

from scipy.stats import norm

# freeze it as "rv", a frozen distribution
rv = norm(loc=3, scale=5)

# PDF and CDF at 0
rv.pdf(0), rv.cdf(0)
>>> (0.06664492057835994, 0.2742531177500736)

# mean and variance of this distribution
rv.mean(), rv.var()
>>> (3.0, 25.0)

# sample 25 samples from it and arrange as a 5-by-5 array
>>> array([[ 9.88755598,  8.17265306,  4.40680757,  7.38668928,  6.72128859],
       [-4.14181423,  5.29081735,  7.55169754,  8.23739169,  1.05982909],
       [ 0.88443857, -0.60595856,  4.88601216,  3.96272595,  2.46423227],
       [ 6.41230144,  0.80340375,  2.36638116, -5.54702185, 11.29779127],
       [10.53331556, -5.39831162,  9.03057659,  3.65320366, -0.95226979]])

Another feature of scipy.stats is that the functions allow broadcasting of the arguments. For example, if we want to generate random samples from different normal distributions with the mean taking values in \({1, 6, 8}\) and standard deviation taking values in 1 and 10. Then we can write the code as

norm.rvs(loc=[1,6,8], scale=[[1],[10]])

array([[ 1.87233686,  5.9937878 ,  7.80705708],
       [-0.26218167, 21.73217187, 12.19536297]])

Here in the output, for instance, the first row contains samples with standard deviation 1, and the mean changes from 1 to 6 and to 8. Note that to make this work properly, the second argument has to be passed in as a column array.

(For more details and handy tricks, please refer to the module tutorial.)

Comparing their efficiency

Now let’s benchmark random variable sampling using these three different modules.

Use the simple normal distribution example. Suppose we want 10,000 samples from Normal(3,5), and we compare the running time of these following choices

  • gauss from random (faster implementation of normal sampling);
  • normal from numpy.random.default_rng() (the recommended choice);
  • norm from scipy.stats (using a frozen distribution for convenience).

Each draw will be executed 1000 times for benchmarking. The code and output is as follows:

# setup commands for each choice
setup_random = "from random import gauss"
setup_numpy = "from numpy.random import default_rng; rng = default_rng()"
setup_scipy = "from scipy.stats import norm; rv = norm(loc=3,scale=5)"

# import timeit module for benchmarking
import timeit

# benchmark "random"
print(timeit.timeit("[gauss(mu=3,sigma=5) for i in range(10000)]", setup=setup_random, number=1000))
>>> 5.341856791999817
# benchmark "numpy"                   
print(timeit.timeit("rng.normal(3,5,10000)", setup=setup_numpy, number=1000))
>>> 0.13603072300065833

# benchmark "scipy"
print(timeit.timeit("rv.rvs(size=10000)", setup=setup_scipy, number=1000))
>>> 0.3074812459999521

So, numpy.random is almost 40 times faster than random (mainly because we have to run a for loop just to draw multiple samples…), and about 2 times faster than scipy.stats.

And thus, if you only want to sample a lot of random variables, numpy.random is probably the best option, at least from an efficiency point of view.